Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic Activities

The Dominican Republic, located in the Caribbean, is known for its beautiful beaches, vibrant music and dance, and rich history. Santo Domingo, the capital, boasts the Zona Colonial, a UNESCO World Heritage site with Spanish colonial landmarks like the Alcázar de Colón and the Cathedral of Santa María la Menor. Beyond the capital, explore the stunning beaches of Punta Cana, the beautiful Samaná Peninsula, or the vibrant city of Puerto Plata. Don`t miss the stunning landscapes of the Los Haitises National Park, or the towering Pico Duarte, the highest peak in the Caribbean. Dominican cuisine, known for dishes like mangu, sancocho, and la bandera, is hearty and flavorful. Whether you`re dancing merengue at a local festival, exploring a historic fortress, or lounging on a white-sand beach, the Dominican Republic offers a colorful and lively travel experience.
